What is True Wealth?
To the conscious advisor…”True Wealth” is far more than money.
“True Wealth” as defined here is: Your vision for your ideal best life, great health, great relationships, strong character, well developed natural talents, personal values, guiding principles, family heritage, your education and intellect, your wisdom, your reputation, your time, your network, your philanthropy and your legacy.
Money is only a tool for creating True Wealth.
A conscious advisor understands and applies the steps necessary to guide clients to their own definition of True Wealth. By using a holistic approach focused on building “True Wealth,” not just accumulating money and resources, you empower your clients to manifest their vision for themselves, their family, their business, and the world.
My coaching with advisors (financial, insurance, legal, etc) is directed at your gaining a deep understanding of your own ways of being and how they influence your business, your life and your ability to guide clients. In order to be deeply effective…you go first.
When I coach an advisor and their team we look first at how the advisor is doing on their own journey to True Wealth AND at the changes that can be made within the individual and the advisory business model that allow you to experience a full rich life that you love while helping your clients create their ideal life and True Wealth.
The ultimate goal of the conscious advisor is to become a trusted and close personal advisor to their clients beyond the scope of their title. When you support your clients beyond your field of expertise, you become a first call resource when new situations arise.
The process to become a conscious advisor is not for the faint of heart. You will be challenged. In fact the Oracle at Delphi said very clearly what it will require…”Know Thyself”
In order to understand the psychology of your clients and really anyone in your world you must first understand your own. And there is freedom in taking BOLD action shedding your own layers of armor and protective shields, facing your own ego until it no longer controls you. The conscious advisor knows how to read people accurately, precisely because they have shed their own ego masks and biases.
Are you ready to live a life of daring adventure? Are you ready to know your powerful self and create a life, lifestyle and business that truly lights you up? Then let’s talk. Please fill out this form so we can talk in person and let me hear the kind of life you want to create for yourself and for your clients.